Sarah, being the brilliant lady that she is, suggested that we should make a pie for Pi day (3/14, see). Despite her hesitation, I insisted that we make a rhubarb pie. Just straight-up rhubarb; none of this strawberry nonsense for me. Noteworthy characteristics include the use of cultured butter to make the crust and brown… Continue reading Pi Day 2010
Author: Jonathan
Map Generator #2
Added from last time, I created a second layer of the map that marks which cells are part of which contiguous region. Currently the only regions recognized are land masses and bodies of water. In the future I will most likely also define rules to recognize hilly and mountainous regions. The regions themselves are discovered… Continue reading Map Generator #2
Map Generator #1
After not doing any free-time coding for quite some time, I’ve started a new project. I intend to make a program which can randomly produce a high quality hand-drawn looking fantasy world map. As an example, I’d like output that looks something like this map. I have chosen to develop this as a Mac OS… Continue reading Map Generator #1
Ants Intro
Inspired by the brave explorers that found their way into my kitchen via means unknown, I’ve been working on a simulation of ants with their actions being based on the pheremone trails they leave behind. Given that I could represent their decision making process with a simple table of values, I decided to use a… Continue reading Ants Intro
Project Creation
After making a few tracs and subversion repos by hand and having to do all the little things that need setting up to make things run smoothly (remembering to give svn trunk/tags/branches directories, setting up trac authentication, etc.), I decided to make a little shell script to do most of it for me. The script… Continue reading Project Creation