Card Kingdom is running a Warmachine/Hordes Journeyman league, and I’m working on my Blindwater Congregation Gatormen again. The official Battlebox-equivalent starting force for this army is: * Bloody Barnabas * Blackhide Wrastler * Ironback Spitter I’ve already painted up my Wrastler and Spitter, but I had never picked up Barnabas. That has been remedied, and… Continue reading Gatorstuff!
Author: Jonathan
I have finished painting my first TAG for the Combined Army – the Avatar. As the biggest and nastiest of the EI Aspects, I followed the same basic color scheme I used for the Charontid – shiny black with blue glowy stuff. Since I was working with such large areas and wanted to be able… Continue reading Avatar
Orange Crush 2013
Sarah and I participated in Orange Crush this year. It’s an annual charity event in which gamers sign up to paint models from a Warmachine/Hordes army with a theme of the color orange. The armies are then raffled off with all proceeds going to hunger-related charity. The army this year was the newly released Convergence… Continue reading Orange Crush 2013
Painting Catch-Up
I painted a couple of other models over the year (sometime in the May to July timeframe, I think) that I never got around to posting about. First, there’s the Zerat Sniper. The original Zerat Hacker is one of my favorite models in the entire Infinity line. I rather enjoy the Sniper variant as well.… Continue reading Painting Catch-Up
Seared Steaks
On a whim, we picked up a couple of small filets at the grocery store, and I pan seared them for us. The last time I tried cooking steak this way, it ended up burned on the outside and raw on the inside, so I looked up a recipe this time. Turns out that my… Continue reading Seared Steaks