The second questoris class knight I painted, this one is adorned with various adeptuc mechanicus skulls instead of the imperial eagles of the first. Hence its working designation of Mechanicus. In deference to this iconography, I chose a red-orange colorshift paint for its armor. While the arms for these are magnetized, the carapace weapons (anti-air… Continue reading Knight Questoris “Mechanicus”
Category: Painting
Knight Questoris “Imperial”
I’ve had some Warhammer 40K imperial knights kicking around for a long time, but on a bit of a whim I decided to start painting them. I wanted to work primarily with the airbrush, and use some of the fun metallic and effect paints I have. The base body is painted with Vallejo Metal Color… Continue reading Knight Questoris “Imperial”
Professor X
Next up is Professor X, leader of the X-Men. It took a long time before he was added to the game, but much to my delight, he has the same weird floating yellow hover-chair as the old cartoon. The model is provided with a weirdly big “whoosh” effect to hold up the chair, which I… Continue reading Professor X
I had to take a long break from hobbying due to hand surgery earlier this year. However, I’m back on track and have a bit of a posting backlog to catch up on. First off is Colossus, of the X-Men. I’ve mostly been drawing my color scheme inspiration from the old 90s cartoon, but the… Continue reading Colossus
Nuka Cola T-51 Power Armor
I’ve been seeing a lot of positive chatter around the forthcoming Fallout Factions miniatures game, including several folks in a hobby discord I’m in painting up power armor and other Fallout models. We have a large collection of mostly unpainted Fallout stuff from the other minis ruleset, Wasteland Warfare. Fortunately the models are compatible between… Continue reading Nuka Cola T-51 Power Armor