After being really busy in May with the move, I got back in the saddle in June and finished off several models. First off, I finished up all the nearly-done Cryx I’d been sitting on: Warwitch Siren From Cryx From Cryx Master Necrotech Mortenebra From Cryx From Cryx From Cryx Deryliss From Cryx Nightmare From… Continue reading June Painting
Warmachine Painting
One of my hobbies is to play tabletop wargames. In addition to actually playing games against people, another important aspect is building and painting the (often intricate) models that make up your army. The main game I play at the moment is Warmachine, in which I play the evil undead faction known as Cryx. I’m… Continue reading Warmachine Painting
Summer Project: October
####Status of the Project Summer has passed, and I took a break from working on the space artillery game. Not because I had other time commitments (although I did find other ways to fill my days), but rather because I just didn’t see how what I was making was supposed to be fun. Fortunately, stepping… Continue reading Summer Project: October
Summer Project, Weeks 4-9
Continued from [part one](/2010/07/summer-project-weeks-1-3/), more details about my quest to make a fun game about shooting things into space. ### Week 4 Took the week off. ### Week 5 I only got a little bit done this week, but it makes things look better. Each astronomical body has a rotational rate that controls how it… Continue reading Summer Project, Weeks 4-9
Summer Project, Weeks 1-3
### Description This summer I’ve decided to dedicate some time to working on programming a game. For eight weeks, from June 20th to August 14th, I am planning to put in at least a couple of hours three nights a week. At the end of this time I will evaluate my progress and the state… Continue reading Summer Project, Weeks 1-3