I had to take a long break from hobbying due to hand surgery earlier this year. However, I’m back on track and have a bit of a posting backlog to catch up on. First off is Colossus, of the X-Men. I’ve mostly been drawing my color scheme inspiration from the old 90s cartoon, but the couple of appearances Colossus makes don’t have him in a proper costume. As such, I went with the standard red and yellow.
I spent a lot of time thinking about how to paint his metal skin; none of the ways I had painted metal on other models felt like they were going to do him justice, so I went online and looked at a lot of different pictures. I eventually found some very blue colors from old comics that spoke to me. This is also the only place I’ve added an extra shade, where he actually has 4 tones from darkest to lightest on his skin, rather than the usual 3 on my cartoon models.
I also spent some time on the colors for the Sentinel parts he’s modeled with. I don’t own any of those models yet, but I want to be ready to apply these colors whenever I get around to picking them up.