Stonecast Eternals Paint Recipe

I’ve had a couple people asking me about the paint recipe I used for my Stonecast Eternals. Rather than sending it individually, I decided to make a post sharing it here.

This was designed to be a fast paint; I used the airbrush to prime and do some initial zenithal shading, and then I used a sponge to apply a stony texture. If you prefer, you could probably do everything with a drybrush instead of using airbrush and sponge. You don’t need to be neat, but generally try to make sure each layer covers slightly less than the previous one. The model is then finished with an all-over wash and flocking, and some matte varnish to tie everything together.

I used a mix of Vallejo Model Air and Citadel (Games Workshop) paints, but this method isn’t super specific – there’s no wrong colors, just pick things that have the right mood for what you’re trying to accomplish.


  • Prime black
  • Zenithal cold stone and/or stonewall grey
  • Sponge thondia brown
  • Sponge castellan green (optional)
  • Sponge death world forest
  • Sponge grey seer
  • Wash 1:1 seraphim sepia : mortarion grime


  • Dirt: thondia brown
  • Stone: as above
  • Plants: death world forest
  • Wash: athonian camoshade


  • Dark green flock
  • Matte varnish